Knowing Hypertension and High Blood Pressure

Posted on Feb 27, 2018 by Admin

Hypertension occurs when the systolic pressure (pressure at which the heart pumps blood) and the diastolic pressure (pressure at which the heart relaxes) is more than 140 and 90 respectively

High blood pressure is a condition which occurs when the pressure of the blood flow through the arteries increases, resulting in intense pressure.

Hypertension occurs when the systolic pressure (pressure at which the heart pumps blood) and the diastolic pressure (pressure at which the heart relaxes) is more than 140 and 90 respectively.

Symptoms of high blood pressure are:

  • Shortness of breath
  • Headaches
  • Weakness of the heart muscles
  • Narrowing of blood vessels
  • Vision problems

The various causes of blood pressure are:

  • Tobacco: If one smokes on a regular basis, they put themselves at an increased risk of getting affected by blood pressure
  • Lifestyle: Not exercising regularly, eating a sodium-rich diet are all factors which can increase the chances of hypertension
  • Age: The chances of getting affected by hypertension increase as one ages
  • Weight: Being excessively obese also increases risk of getting affected by hypertension
  • Diabetes: Being diabetic makes one more prone to getting affected by diabetes
  • Hyperthyroidism: If one has an overactive thyroid gland, then it may result in hypertension.

Hypertension may result in various health complications in the body such as:

Aneurysm: This is a disorder of the blood vessels which causes the blood vessels to bulge and weaken

Heart attack: High blood pressure causes the arteries to harden and thicken which may lead to a heart attack.

Metabolic syndrome: This syndrome refers to a group of complications such as high bad cholesterol levels and insulin levels in the body

Impaired brain functioning: It may also impair one’s ability to learn and impact their cognitive skills

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