Common Bedtime Mistakes that Ruin Hair

Posted on Feb 25, 2018 by Admin

From hot styling tools to highlights, hair can become quite damaged during the daytime. Another reason behind a bad hair day can be the bedtime mistakes one makes that wreak havoc on hair.

Hair is a symbol of beauty! Many believe the most noticeable part of a woman’s beauty is her hair. Hair enhances appearance and sets the tone for one’s entire look.

Just like a good bedtime skin ritual is important for the skin health, one also needs to take care of their hair before going to bed to keep it in good condition.

Many people are prone to making bedtime hair mistakes without even knowing the harm it is causing to their hair. Listed below are some bedtime mistakes that ruin one’s hair:

Sleeping with Wet Hair: Many of us prefer to wash our hair at the end of the day as it saves a lot of time in the morning. Washing hair in the evening is not bad, but going to bed with wet hair is something that one should avoid at any cost./p>

Wet hair can dampen the pillow and sleeping on a warm, damp pillowcase can cause a fungal infection or even lead to dandruff./p>

If one washes their hair before bed, use a blow-dryer to at least dry the hair to some extent. One can also comb hair with an absorbent hair brush that is made with microfiber bristles to remove some water from the hair

Taking a Hot Shower: After a tiring day, a hot shower sounds very welcoming. But hot water can be very damaging to the hair/p>

The heat from the hot shower can strip away the hair’s natural oil (sebum) and damage the roots. Without sebum, hair becomes dry and brittle, which in turn leads to breakage and hair loss.

If one needs to take a shower, enjoy it with lukewarm water. For the final rinse, always use normal or cold water to help seal moisture into the hair. By using this simple trick, one can make their hair appear shiny and healthy.

Using a Cotton Pillowcase: The material of the pillowcase upon which one rests their head can have a huge impact on the hair’s health

Sleeping on a cotton pillowcase can snag and tangle the locks while one tosses or turns in their sleep. In fact, people who have dry or fragile hair should ditch any rough, cotton pillowcases.

Using the Same Pillowcase for Months: Proper hygiene is important for keeping one’s hair healthy. If one is not changing their pillowcases often enough, they are making a big mistake.

Both pillowcases and bed-sheets can easily accumulate oil, dirt, and bacteria over time. Sleeping on the dirty fabric can lead to clogged hair follicles and ultimately hair loss.

Playing with Hair: It is common to find people heading to bed even if they are not sleepy. Watching television or using a smart-phone in bed while playing with one’s hair is also very common.

One must avoid playing with their hair, as it can cause great damage to hair strands. Continuous pulling and playing with hair creates stress on the strands, which in turn leads to hair breakage and loss

Brushing Hair Rigorously: Brushing or combing hair is important, as it helps distribute the natural oil produced by the scalp through the hair. This stimulates the hair follicles and promotes hair growth. As a bonus, brushing hair is relaxing and can help one sleep better.

But brushing hair harshly or running a brush through wet hair can put unnecessary stress on the strands and damage the hair. Also, aggressive brushing causes excessive friction and makes the hair weak and brittle. It is recommended to use a wide-tooth comb before bedtime, which will not pull on the hair.

Wearing Tight Hairstyles: If one has a habit of sleeping with their hair tied in a tight ponytail, again they are making a big mistake. Keep tight hairstyles like ponytails, knots, and buns for the daytime.

Putting hair up in a tight ponytail and going to bed can cause great damage to your hair. Tight hairstyles put excessive tension on the hair follicles, which can lead to hair breakage and even hair loss.

Leaving Long Hair Down: Similar to wearing tight hairstyles while sleeping, leaving long hair down is bad for one’s hair health. The oil and styling products in the hair can have damaging effects on the skin.

It is recommended to tie long hair up before bedtime. Moreover, leaving long hair loose when sleeping can make the pillowcase dirty quickly and one will have to change it on a daily basis

Wrapping Wet Hair in a Towel: Wrapping wet hair in a towel after a shower or bath is something that most do. However, going to bed with hair wrapped in a towel can be extremely harmful to the health of your hair

When wet, the hair is more susceptible to stretching and breakage. Moreover, if the towel is wrapped tightly, it causes tension on the hair follicles, which can cause unnecessary hair breakage and hair loss

Sleeping with wet hair can also increase the risk of fungal infections or dandruff. After washing hair, pat it dry with a soft towel and allow it to air-dry before heading to bed.

Not Oiling Dry Hair: Many people who have dry hair do not take advantage of overnight hair treatments.

If one has dry, brittle hair; try an oil massage before going to bed. This is an easy way to add some much-needed moisture to the dry strands. In fact, oiling hair regularly can help to get thicker hair naturally.

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